‘Just to tell you that I have had a reading with Sapphire and I was very impressed at her professionalism, her integrity, her patience and her jovial character. Her readings were VERY accurate and spot on.’
A Moheeput – UK
‘You are brilliant and it’s almost like I have been given a sense of a backbone with regards to my children. I will never forget my reading with you and I will come back in the future.’
Lorna – Scotland
‘David, thought that you would like to know I got the job you knew I had applied for and the new girl you said I would be meeting there. To my surprise your reading was so right, so accurate. Thank you.’
Steve – Manchester‘Shock is the only word I can use as to the accuracy of the reading I had today. David your connection with Spirit is amazing, you have given me fresh hope in what appeared to be my crumbling world, I cannot thank you enough.’
Dianne – USA
‘Very good indeed, really inspiring stuff, I came away feeling a lot clearer and more positive about what I should be doing now, but have also had things pointed out to me which I realise are true but hadn’t noticed.’
Sarah – Birmingham
‘Really felt it was worthwhile and it has given me hope for a new future! She was accurate in her perception of my character and of what was going on in my life.’
Sally – Brighton
‘Amazing lady! Very gifted! Accurate and helpful, I will definitely return soon.! I bought the reading for a friend. She was amazed by Lucy’s accuracy and empathy.’
Jim – London
‘Perfect Read – It was like I had told her my life story beforehand!! Lovely supportive lady. Validated a lot of info. for me. Will be back. Many thanks.’
Simone – Lincoln
‘Very interesting reading with accurate information, highly recommended thank you.’
Billy – Sheffield
‘Very best – can’t remember how many times I had readings with Dave -recommended.’
Amy – Rhyl
‘I am positively gobsmacked!! Quite lost for words!! All in all, you hit my life right on the head, I am going to need to think about this some more. I am still in shock!!! :0) Thank you so much!!’
Jenny – Oxford